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Photo of the owner of Ready2Publish, smiling and holding a cup of coffee. Black and white photo.

A bit about me

I'm Claudia, an avid reader, CIEP-certified proofreader, and the owner of Ready2Publish. 


I have loved reading ever since I can remember, and I'm thrilled that Ready2Publish allows me to do so professionally. 


I have completed three courses from the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and studied English Language and Literature at the Open University – in which the focus lay on the interpretation of novels and the functional use of grammar. 


Now you know me, so let's connect! 


Proofreading 1: Introduction

Proofreading 2: Headway

Getting to grips with grammar and punctuation

I'm a CIEP Intermediate Member
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