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ADHD ADDults. A book review.

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

ADHD ADDults by Jim Livingstone is an uplifting and motivating self-help book that I recommend, not only to people with ADHD, but anyone that needs some help becoming their best self. I have tried some of the first activities with my children – exploring our values and purpose and putting these in a PowerPoint to remind us daily about what we are working towards (the kids love making PowerPoint presentations, so it’s also fun!) – and I plan to slowly undertake the other activities in this book.

ADHD ADDults by Jim Livingstone

This review was first published on Reedsy Discovery.

I picked this book because my son is diagnosed with ADHD. I see how he struggles daily, even when medicated, to stay positive because people don’t understand how his brain works. I have read a few ADHD books, and most of them are research based – which is great when you want to understand what ADHD is and how it affects people. What they don’t do is offer practical, step-by-step advice on how to accept your ADHD and thrive with it, which is, on all accounts, the most difficult task for someone with ADHD.

What I see a lot with my son and what really struck a chord was when I read the following: “I have a mental disorder, a neurological imbalance in my brain, and therefore I am doomed to fail.” And how this book aims to change it to: “I have some very special talents, and therefore I am sure to succeed."

Jim Livingstone’s book does exactly this. ADHD ADDults explains what people with ADHD struggle with and every chapter offers valuable insight, positive reinforcement, down-to-earth examples, and practical actions to undertake to improve oneself. Every chapter is short and sweet, straight to the point, and has a summary at the end with room for notes. You can tackle one chapter at a time. Jim Livingstone takes the reader on a journey. You will explore who you are now and who you want to become. He guides you through every step, from pinpointing your goals and beliefs to changing these to achieve success.

So if you want to stay focused on staying positive, and not letting those pesky negative emotions get the best of you – have a read.

You can find ADHD ADDults here.

four stars
Loved it!

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